Prodcenter facilitates, accelerates, and measures your company innovation.


The launch of your Prodcenter continuous improvement system is immediate. 0 instalation or technology costs. Create your coordinators accounts, then your Thematics, and give them a tour on how easy it works. VoilĂ ! All set to make a presentation to your staff and start receiving improvement ideas.


Let ideas flow. The New Idea Form has 7 types: Delight customers, New product/service, Improve product/service, Increase sales, Reduce expenses, Improve motivation, and Improve security. After summarizing your idea you can detail the problem and propose a solution, and also attach files.

Open Innovation

In addition to internal staff, you can receive improvement ideas from people outside your company: guests and the public. Guests have access to the platform like employees, but they only see the ideas of authorized topics. The public has a free access form where they can submit their ideas. Convert the link into a QR code and invite your customers and suppliers to improve your company.

Return and Risk

Each idea can be evaluated in terms of its return and risk, on a scale of 1 to 4 stars. Return estimates the benefit of an idea after deducting costs. Risk estimates its complexity of execution.


All employees can see the ideas of the different themes. It is a transversal vision of the company. They can add value to the idea by helping to better define the problem or by proposing a solution.


Prodcenter includes internal and external notifications to the platform. These are important to keep the user up to date on the ideas he is collaborating on. Internal notifications are visible at the click of a button, while external notifications are optional, and are received by email on a weekly or monthly basis.


To retain your employees and keep them motivated, you must implement a recognition program. Employee engagement beyond routine work should be part of the company culture. Prodcenter provides you with the TOP10 ranking of ideas achieved by employees or themes.

Collaborative platform

Prodcenter offers collaborators a convenient way to work together on ideas regardless of their location. A number of functions streamline the workflow and facilitate communication and coordination between members. Being in the cloud, everyone is always up to date with the latest changes. Prodcenter is excellent for improving productivity and collective intelligence.


We know that every company is different and has its own culture. That’s why Prodcenter offers several options to adapt to your organization and needs. They range from the visibility of the stages of ideas, to the activation of forms or tools, to the embedding of the platform in your corporate website.


Use the Favourite feature to follow the ideas that interest you the most. Just click on the star button of an idea and it will be added to your favourite ideas board.


Ideas are grouped by Thematics that may correspond to your departments, projects, etc. Each Thematic has a field to define its objectives. Thus, you can converge the creative thinking of your collaborators towards current needs and viable solutions.

Action Plan

Customers requested this functionality. Prodcenter includes an Action Plan module to manage company-wide activities among administrators and, optionally, coordinators.


Naturally, not all ideas are valid, and some are dismissed by the coordinators. But an idea discarded today can be revived in a future context. It is advised from time to time to review the discarded ideas. Perhaps there are some visionary ideas. Who knows?


Use creative workshops or meetings to generate disruptive ideas. You can focus the creative thinking on an important problem, a product or service to improve, the vision of the company, etc. Use divergent creative thinking, and then convergent thinking to reach viable solutions.

And more to discover…